The muhurta ceremony of the film “Terror” produced by Silk Manju, directed by Ranjan Shivaram Gowda and starring Aditya was held at Sri Bande Mahankali Temple recently. Karthik Gowda of KRG Studios clapped the board and gave nod for the shooting of the film. IPS officer Ravikanthe Gowda switched on the camera for first shot. Senior director S.V.Rajendra Singh Babu, Lahari Velu and others arrived as chief guests and greeted the terror film team on this occasion.
Director Ranjan Sivarama Gowda said “Terror is my first directorial film. The story revolves around the mafia world. When the story was narrated to Aditya, he liked the story. Aditya will appear in the role of a gangster. Most of the shooting takes place in Bangalore”. Silk Manju is the producer for the film, while music is composed by Harsh Vardhan Raj. Karthik Sharma’s cinematography and Srikanth’s editing is there in this film. Dharma, Pramod Shetty and others are appearing in important roles.
Silk Manju who produced Upendra’s ‘A’ earlier said “today it marks exactly twenty five years since the release of our film “A”. So today we started the film “Terror”. I liked the story told by the director. This film will be produced in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi languages” he added.
Adithya said “Ranjan was introduced to him through actor Dharma. The story he told was very touching. This image comes in two shades. The character is very stylish. I am appearing in the role of a young gangster”.
Lahari Velu, Jedralli Krishnappa, actor Dharma, music director Harshvardhan Raj, cinematographer Karthik Sharma spoke about “terror” during the pressmeet.
Read More : ಆದಿತ್ಯ ಅಭಿನಯದ “ಟೆರರ್” ಆರಂಭ
Photogallery : Terror Film Launch Photos
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