December 24 is a horror-thriller film based on the true events that took place in Huliyur Durga between 2015 and 2019. Bhumika Ramesh of Bhagyalakshmi serial fame is playing the female lead in this movie which is produced under the banner M.G.N Productions. The teaser and song launch program of this film was held recently. Nagaraj M G Gowda has written script and directed the film which has medico-scientific plot.
Since the film is made by group of team who also come from agriculture family background, farmer leader Kodihalli Chandrasekhar launched the trailer and said that he already seen the movie during a premier and it was good.
Kannada film director Ma Chandru being part of this occasion said that this song and the director have a close relationship. A similar incident happened in his family too.
Anand Patel, who played the role of a forest officer in the film, talked about Halli Katte. Nagaraj Gowda, who hails from a village called Menasinakeredoddi, has made a film with social concerns.
Also Read : ಬಿಡುಗಡೆಯಾಯ್ತು ಡಿಸೆಂಬರ್-24 ಚಿತ್ರದ ಟೀಸರ್
Actor Anil Gaudru talked about how new born babies in a changed lifestyle die due to respiratory reasons. Filmed in the forest despite rain. He said that I am a negative character.
As per cinematographer Vinay Gowda most of the film shots are taken in different parts in the forest.
Director Nagaraj Gowda recalled his days when he started this film with only 500 rupees in hand. I started this movie keeping 500 in hand. Now it has cost up to 80 lakhs. When the film shoot began, a producer promised to make the film and left in middle. Somehow we group of friends all hailing from agricultural background completed this film. New born babies die due to respiratory reasons in few minutes when they take birth. A family in this film also experience this trauma. Unnaccepting the loss for the family a group of medical students go to forest to find a medicine for the benefit of other families who fall into same problem before they loose their babies. What is the link between medical research and December 24 in this film? is the story-line.
Bhumika Ramesh said “I am a dancer, it was my dream to act with Puneeth. In this film i have appeared in the role of Kavya, a medical student. It has a story where friendship is very important and I learned a lot from this movie. Due to an incident in the house of a man named Ajay, we all his friends go to the forest to find medicine for it. The events that take place there are the main plot of the film.
Appu Badiger, Ravi KR.Pete, Jagdish, Divya Achar, Sagar all spoke about their roles.
The film produced by Raghu.S was shot for around 60 days around Bangalore, Sakleshpur, Huliyur Durga and Dandeli Forest. Manju DT, Siddamma Kambar, Mahantesh Neelappa Chauhan and V. Bette Gowda are co-producers for this film. The film has a total of 4 songs composed by Praveen Niketan and Vishal Alaap. Dr. V. Nagendra Prasad, Vishal Alaap and Geeta Anand Patel wrote the lyrics for the songs. Appu Badigera, Ravi KR Pete, Raghu Shetty, Jagadish H. Doddy and Sagar acted as five friends for the film December-24.
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