The trailer of the much awaited movie ‘Driver Jamuna’ starring actress Aishwarya Rajesh, who has become a household name in the Tamil film industry through her unique roles was released recently. Driver Jamuna is all about the challenges Jamuna faces when she takes up the profession as a female driver are shown in the entire trailer. Multilingual actor Kishore released this trailer in Kannada.
Driver Jamuna is directed by P Kinslin of ‘Vattikuchi’ movie fame. Aishwarya Rajesh has played the role of a cab driver in this film. Adukalam Narine, Sri Ranjani, stand up comedian Abhishek, Pandian of ‘Raja Rani’ movie fame, Kavita Bharati, Manikandan, Rajesh and many others have acted in the star cast. Gokul Benoy has handled the cinematography, Gibran has handled the music and SP Chaudhary has invested money the film.
The movie Driver Jamuna revolves around a female cab driver, and for this role, Aishwarya met a female cab driver and adopted her vibe in her role. Aishwarya has done her role without using any dope. The shooting of the movie has already been completed and the movie has been shot in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.
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