Sandalwood King Hatrik Hero Shivarajkumar’s new movie poster is been shared in huge numbers across social media as soon as Dr Sivarajkumar revealed it through his twitter handle. Yes, Shivarajkumar new movie which is been produced under his home Banner Geetha Pictures is been tittled as Bhairati Ranagal. As the title suggests this film is a mass film based on under world subject. In the new posters revealed, Shivarajkumar appears in a khadak look been seated on a chair. This Pan India film is been made in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi languages. Narthan holds the cap of direction and film is produced by Geetha Shivarajkumar. More details of the film is awaited.
#ಭೈರತಿರಣಗಲ್ #భైరతిరణగల్ #பைரதிரணகல் #ഭൈരതിരണകൾ #भैरतिरणगल #GeethaPictures #Narthan @GeethaPictures
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