The official teaser of ‘Shava Sanskara’ has been released through ‘A2 Music’ youtube channel. Editor, actor, director Nagendra Urs unveiled the posters of the film and wished film team for the success. Story, screenplay, dialogue written by lawyer S K Mohan Kumar and produced under the banner of SKM Productions. Shava Samskara is directed by Kantaraju Gowda. Shava Samskara is all about the person one who conducts cremation and denotes that they also has life.
The film has star cast comprising Govindegowda, Divya of the reality show Comedy Kiladigalu fame. Anvita Shetty, Yathiraj, dub smash and drama junior artist Bhairavi Mahesh, Prajwal, Akshay, Gautham, Kiran, Darshan, Suhas, senior advocate Satyavathy, Krishnappa, Roshini, Maula from North Karnataka, Anand, Yoga, Karate Srinath, Amithale Budnoor and Mysore Nagaratna are amoung the star cast.
Anuradha bhat, Mehboob Pasha, Sarigamapa Winner Sunil, Rajesh Krishna, Supritha Gandhara have rendered their voice for the five songs of the movie for which lyrics written by Ravindra Muddi, TV9 Arjun and the producers. It is also known that the audio rights of the film have been sold for a good amount. Cinematography by Ravi, Editing by Manju.S.Padmanabha. Shooting for Shava Samskra has been covered in scenic locations around Mandya, Mysore, Ramanagara, Bangalore.
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