Power star Puneeth Rajkumar’s last film ‘Luckyman’ to be released across the country this August. Starring Darling Krishna as the lead, Puneeth Rajkumar has a cameo appearance as a god in this film. Tamil actor Prabhu Deva also acted with him and both Puneeth and Prabhudeva appearing in a song of the movie. Competing with one another both of them have danced signature steps together and this song has already gone viral everywhere. Choreographed by Johnny Master, this song has been shot in and around Bangalore. This is the first time that Puneeth Rajkumar and Prabhu Deva have not only appeared in the same film, but they have also put strong steps for a wonderful song.
Luckyman is directed by Prabhudev’s brother Nagendra Prasad for the first time. Nagendra Prasad is well known in sandalwood for his appearance as lead actor in Chitra and other films. ‘Luckyman’ has already completed all its post-production work and is ready for release and film team have made preparations to release the film in the coming month of August.
Based on the Tamil film “O My Kadavule”, director Nagendra Prasad has crafted a fantastic fantasy drama story-line through Luckyman. Producer P R Meenakshi Sundaram, P Kamaraj produced several successful films in Tamil. This is his first film in Kannada from their production house. Roshni Prakash is playing the female lead opposite Darling Krishna in this film.
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