Ramesh Kashyap filmmaker from sandalwood has given many good films through Simhadri Productions in Kannada cinema. Now his latest production film ‘Rakshasaru’ is hitting screens across the country from August. This multi lingual film is produced in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi languages. This is a tough crime thriller film in which five criminals have committed crimes that should not have been committed and undergone absconding. How will the police find them? Will they succeed in nabbing them? is rest of the story-line. These monsters are the criminals who surpass the criminals of Dandupalaya. Young and enthusiastic new director Rajat has directed this film and Rakshasaru is debut project for him.
The film has been ready for a long time. But the censor board watched the film and refused to approve its release due to the high crime rate. After that, on the request of the producer, the censor board agreed to release it with an A certificate along with some cuts. The producer has said that the film will be released across India in the second week of August. He has decided to dedicate this film to all rescuers who work day and night in safeguarding citizens against crime. Emil has composed music for this film which has two songs. Rajasekhar has penned dialogues, while cinematography is handled by Janardhan Babu and editing by KM Prakash.
Dialogue King Saikumar, Rajasekhar, Nazar, Suman, Kiran Sunil, Triveni, Avinash Neeraj Yadav, Harshit, Chaitra, Manasa, Asha, Manjula, Surekha, Rachana, Kamala, Chandrakala Radha are among the star cast of this film.
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