Producer Madhusudhan Rao, who started the venture of film making through the movie ‘Thuthu Madike’, has taken up another project. This time he is going to produce a pan India movie. The movie is titled as ‘Sannidanam P.O’ and shoot for the movie will commence at the holy shrine of Lord Ayyappa in Sabari Male on January 14 on the occassion of Sankranti. The movie ‘Sannidanam P.O’ has a divine love story subject and Malayalam director Rajeev Vaidya is written the story as well as directing the film.
As said the movie will go on floors on January 14. Famous Tamil actor Yogi Babu and Sandalwood talented artist Pramod Shetty are in the star cast of the film. Some of the popular south film actress and actors will also act for the movie. Sarvata Cine Garage is producing this film in association with Shimogga Creations banner and Madhusudhan Rao and Shabir Pathan are investing in this big budget pan india film. Cinematography is handled by Vinod Bharti. The team will soon share more information about the movie.
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